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Recreation in New Mexico

Whether you crave a week of camping in a backcountry wilderness area, a day of singletrack mountain biking, a weekend rafting trip, hitting the links for a round of 18, or discovering where the Rockies begin, the Land of Enchantment has you covered.

Camping in New Mexico

We protect and enhance natural and cultural resources by providing first-class recreational and education facilities and opportunities at our state parks.

Fishing in New Mexico

From pristine high-mountain lakes and streams to large reservoirs and lazy meandering rivers, New Mexico’s waters provide some of the best fishing in the Southwest.

Hunting in New Mexico

Whether you’re hunting grouse, squirrels, quail or waterfowl, or holding out for that elusive trophy bull elk, mule deer or pronghorn, New Mexico’s hunting opportunities are as abundant and diverse as its terrain and habitat.

Outdoor Recreation

New Mexico is the perfect place for outdoor recreation activities all year long.

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