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Public Safety in New Mexico

The State of New Mexico promotes a safe and secure environment for the community through intelligently led policing practices, vital scientific and technical support, current and relevant training, and innovative leadership for our greater law enforcement community.

Public Safety

Our priority is to protects human life and property through the detection and prevention of criminal activity and enforcement of state laws and regulations.

Emergency Management

We work hard to protect the people of New Mexico through a comprehensive, consolidated, and coordinated program of mitigating hazards, preparing for emergencies, preventing attacks, and responding and recovering from events that occur without regard to cause.

State Police

We are always looking for dedicated men and women to serve the citizens of this great state with tradition, pride, and honor. The New Mexico State Police offers an exciting career that will provide you with service and personal growth opportunities.

Attorney General's Office

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Public Safety • Department of Public Safety
Fingerprints and Background Checks
New Mexico Applicant Fingerprint Processing (NMAPS) is the applicant background check solution that is totally electronic and provides New Mexico residents the means to complete their required federal and state background checks quickly and conveniently. Your first point of contact to check on the status or any delay of your application should be the agency you initially submitted your application and prints to. Once prints are submitted to DPS electronically your agency will receive a response from DPS within 24-48 hours and from the FBI within 48-72 hours.
Public Safety • Children, Youth and Families Department
Domestic Violence
CYFD-funded domestic violence service providers help more than 10,500 residents affected each year by domestic violence, including survivors, perpetrators, and their children. CYFD works with 46 non-profit and governmental organizations throughout the state to provide shelter and support services to families and individuals in need.
Living,Public Safety • General Services Department
Risk Management
"Protecting the State of New Mexico's human, physical, and financial assets" The Risk Management Division (RMD) was created by the NM Legislature to protect and conserve the state's human and physical resources and financial assets.
Living,Public Safety • General Services Department
Facilities Management
Our mission is to ensure that the citizens of New Mexico and state agencies receive the best value in life cycle facilities management by providing exceptional design, construction, operation and maintenance of state-owned assets and leased facilities. To provide clean, safe, energy-efficient work environments for our employees and customers and to support the sustainability, energy efficiency, and capital improvement of state facilities.
Living,Public Safety • New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD)
Family Resources
The Family Constituent Services & Correspondence Office serves the growing number of families directly affected by the incarceration of a loved one. As the central point of contact between the New Mexico Corrections Department and inmate family members, we assist with navigating a complex correctional system.
Living,Public Safety • New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD)
Victim Services
The Victim Services Program serves as a direct point of contact for crime victims and their families who have concerns related to offenders who are in the custody or under the probation and/or parole supervision of the New Mexico Corrections Department. Victim Services provides comprehensive information, assistance and support to crime victims and their families. The Victim Services Program is committed to administering these services with respect, compassion and confidentiality. Services include assistance to crime victims and their families during the parole board hearing process. Victim Services also provides assistance to the New Mexico Adult Parole Board, statewide district attorneys’ office victim advocates and victim advocacy organizations in addressing crime victims’ needs. Victim Services provides educational outreach to statewide district attorneys’ office victim advocates and victim advocacy organizations about the services provided by the program. Additionally, Victim Services provides education about victims’ rights awareness and sensitivity to probation and parole officers and the prisons.
Working,Living,Public Safety • New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD)
Start a Career with the New Mexico Corrections Department
Career Opportunities Thank you for your interest in a career with the New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD)! We offer a wide variety of employment opportunities. At NMCD, we place high value in our employees and are always looking to add great individuals to our team. NMCD oversees eight (8) state-owned prisons and four (4) probation and parole regions. We also train correctional staff for the state's two private prison facilities. Training classes are conducted at our Training Academy in Santa Fe, which was the first correctional officer training academy in the nation. In addition, NMCD offers career opportunities in information technology, human resources, legal, communications, and so much more.
Living,Public Safety • New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD)
Corrections Industries
Corrections Industries makes your purchasing tasks simple. State, City, County, Tribal, Federal, Education and Not-For-Profit agencies can purchase directly from us without the need of a competitive bid. Our one stop shopping can fill all your furniture, moving, printing and janitorial supplies as well as custom designed shirts and uniforms. Our friendly sales staff is available for free consultations on any of the products or services we offer.
Public Safety,Transportation • Department of Transportation
Projects and Traffic Safety
The development of transportation projects is a multi-phased, multi-year process that involves a significant commitment of technical and financial resources. Project development involves six major phases including (1) long-range planning, (2) prioritization and programming, (3) study scoping and conceptual design (4) preliminary and final design, (5) construction, and (6) maintenance and performance monitoring.
Living,Public Safety • Indian Affairs Department
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives Task Force
The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women epidemic is an issue currently affecting tribal communities and indigenous people living in cities.
Recreation,Living,Public Safety • Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
Water Rights Lookup
NMWRRS provides on-line access to OSE water right files including digitized water right documents and downloadable reports.
Recreation,Living,Public Safety • Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
Water Rights Permitting and Transfers
Anyone wanting to use water in New Mexico must have a permit from the State Engineer that can be obtained by contacting your local District Office. To facilitate speedier service, it is always recommended that you call the District Office closest to you to make an appointment.
Recreation,Living,Public Safety • Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
Interstate Stream Commission Meetings
New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission regular meetings are normally scheduled for the third Thursday of each month. Please check for any dates that may vary from the regular third Thursday meetings. Special meetings may be scheduled at other times as needed. Meeting locations will be announced on the posted agendas.
Recreation,Living,Public Safety • Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
GIS Maps
Maps prepared by the Office of the State Engineer are available and can be accessed from the following gallery, by subject.
Health,Living,Public Safety • Aging and Long-Term Services Department
Adult Protective Services
If you suspect an adult is being abused, neglected, or exploited, call Adult Protective Services Statewide Intake, toll-free at 1-866-654-3219 or 1-505-476-4912. We are committed to protecting the safety of adults who are not able to protect themselves and to promoting the personal choice and self-determination of all we serve.
Public Safety • New Mexico State Police
Unique Capabilities
The New Mexico State Police investigate crimes within, and beyond city and county jurisdictions. Often times they are called upon to use specialized resources to confront crimes all over the State of New Mexico. Often times our agency must work cooperatively with federal law enforcement agencies in investigations that occur in the State Of New Mexico. These relationships are equally vital as they are important to the safety of our citizens and the State of New Mexico.
Living,Public Safety • Children, Youth and Families Department
Juvenile Justice
Juvenile Justice Services are tasked with staffing the New Mexico’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee, administering special initiatives, monitoring compliance to federal and state juvenile justice and delinquency prevention requirements, and managing funding for community programs.
Living,Public Safety • Environment Department
Air, Septic, Waste, Water Permitting and Compliance
Use the form below to report what appears to you as a possible violation of environmental laws and regulations. Information you submit will be forwarded to Environment Department environmental enforcement personnel or to the appropriate regulatory authority.
Business,Public Safety • Environment Department
Occupational Health and Safety Consultation and Compliance
The Occupational Health and Safety Bureau works to ensure that all employees in New Mexico have a safe and healthful workplace.
Public Safety • Department of Public Safety
Concealed Carry Application
Link below to the concealed carry application.
Public Safety • Department of Public Safety
Law Enforcement Academy
The New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy strives to serve the State of New Mexico with ideas and innovations shaped more by experience and the rule of law than by emotion, more by best practices than by politics, and more by intellect than by impulse. In doing so, we will responsibly serve the public safety community, New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy Board and citizens of the state of New Mexico by providing exceptional training opportunities while enforcing the statutory and administrative laws and responsibilities entrusted to the agency, by demonstrating the character & competence demanded of the profession in the 21st century.
Public Safety • Department of Public Safety
New Mexico State Police Application Process
To apply for a career with the New Mexico State Police, please visit the application website and follow the steps outlined.
Public Safety • Department of Public Safety
Missing Person Clearinghouse
The Missing Persons Clearinghouse is responsible for posting missing persons to the public website, and releasing alerts to the media. The Clearinghouse also keeps in contact with the police agencies and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to keep all information current. As a Clearinghouse we release Amber Alerts and Silver Alerts to the media. A person can be reported missing at any time when their whereabouts are unknown and are believed to be in danger, regardless of age.
Education,Recreation,Public Safety • Department of Game & Fish
Wildlife Law Enforcement
A large part of managing New Mexico’s wildlife is enforcing laws to help conserve wildlife for future generations. New Mexico’s Conservation Officers work hard to educate people of all ages about the wildlife around them.
Living,Public Safety • Office of the Governor
Apply for Clemency
The New Mexico Constitution gives the Governor authority to grant “pardons and reprieves” for most convictions for offenses under state law. However, the Governor does not have authority to grant pardons or any other forms of clemency for convictions under municipal or federal laws. The Governor also does not have authority to expunge or seal arrest and/or conviction records.
Public Safety • Department of Information Technology
Our mission is to promote a safe and secure enterprise computing environment and protect the privacy and security of individual information as well as of individuals using the State’s information technology systems through the implementation of industry-accepted security policies, standards, and procedures.
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