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Joseph M. Maestas, P.E.

Joseph M. Maestas, P.E.

State Auditor

Joseph M Maestas has the experienced track record and integrity we need in our state government.

As Mayor of Espanola, he was unafraid to challenge the status quo and ushered in a series of electoral and ethical reforms. In addition, during his tenure, he replaced the fleets of the police and fire departments, retrofitted street and traffic lights and regionalized public housing and transportation. He effectively managed the city budget so that workers remained on the job, and received a raise, during a recession. Joseph Maestas gets things done.

As a city councilor in Santa Fe, Maestas championed a policy to create a self-sufficient water fund, which ended up providing more than $7.8 million to address the city’s structural deficit. In the wake of continuing public anger over unanswered questions about how the city of Santa Fe handled a $30.3 million voter-approved bond issue for parks and trail projects, he took the bold step of calling successfully for the city to commission a full, independent financial audit of the bond-issued projects.

Joseph Maestas has proven to be a reformer, an independent unafraid to take on powerful interests.

Serving as the Public Regulation Commissioner representing District 3, Maestas took the lead in successfully establishing rules to make solar energy accessible, affordable, and reliable. He led the charge to expand broadband services to areas where it’s badly needed. As a specialist in transportation and water resources, taxpayers can be confident that he helped guide our state through an historic, equitable transition to a clean energy future and the needed diversification of our State’s economy.

Maestas is an effective leader. Whether as President of the New Mexico Municipal League, Vice-Chair, Board of Directors of Conservation Voters of New Mexico or Chair, Board of Directors, New Mexico Voices for Children, Maestas has shown an ability to build consensus and find solutions to complex problems.