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Office of the State Engineer

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Water Rights Lookup
Recreation,Living,Public Safety • Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
NMWRRS provides on-line access to OSE water right files including digitized water right documents and downloadable reports.
Water Rights Permitting and Transfers
Recreation,Living,Public Safety • Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
Anyone wanting to use water in New Mexico must have a permit from the State Engineer that can be obtained by contacting your local District Office. To facilitate speedier service, it is always recommended that you call the District Office closest to you to make an appointment.
Interstate Stream Commission Meetings
Recreation,Living,Public Safety • Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission regular meetings are normally scheduled for the third Thursday of each month. Please check for any dates that may vary from the regular third Thursday meetings. Special meetings may be scheduled at other times as needed. Meeting locations will be announced on the posted agendas.
Water Well Driller Licensing
Recreation,Living • Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
The Office of the State Engineer is responsible for regulating the construction and plugging of wells and the licensing of well drillers in the state of New Mexico. Any person desiring to engage in the drilling of one or more wells for underground water within the boundaries of any underground source shall file an application with the state engineer for a driller license. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to drill or to begin the drilling of a well for water from an underground source without a valid, existing license for the drilling of such wells issued by the State Engineer of New Mexico.
GIS Maps
Recreation,Living,Public Safety • Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
Maps prepared by the Office of the State Engineer are available and can be accessed from the following gallery, by subject.