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Departments & Agencies

Explore New Mexico State Government

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Aging and Long-Term Services Department

The New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD) was established in 2004 to provide advocacy, support, and resources for seniors and adults with disabilities. The department oversees the state’s Area Agencies on Aging to elevate the quality of care at senior centers, offers advocacy through the Long-Term Care Ombudsman volunteer program, and provides intervention through the agency’s national award-winning Adult Protective Services. Additionally, ALTSD houses the state’s Aging and Disability Resource Center, which offers options counseling, education, and connection to resources. For more information about ALTSD, visitaging.nm.gov or follow us onFacebook, X (Twitter), andInstagram @NewMexicoAging.  


Children, Youth and Families Department
All of New Mexico’s children are our priority. We work to make sure that every child is safe from abuse and neglect. We also work to strengthen families so that they are safe, healthy and resilient.
Department of Agriculture

The New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) benefits the public by promoting the viability and advancement of New Mexico agriculture and affiliated industries. NMDA promotes a fair marketplace, food protection, marketing, and economic development; supports the beneficial use and conservation of natural resources; and works cooperatively with the public and private sectors.

NMDA develops, implements and promotes global marketing and economic development to facilitate trade; maintains regulatory compliance through cooperative relationships with industries, agencies and the public to ensure consumer protection and a uniform marketplace for agriculture; promotes responsible and effective use and management of natural resources in support of agriculture; ensures a safe and secure food supply; and conducts diagnostic analysis of animal specimens to determine the cause of deaths or to identify diseases.

Department of Cultural Affairs
For centuries, New Mexico has been a mecca where many and varied cultures have lived side by side, sharing and celebrating their cultural differences. The result — a lush, refreshing texture of styles and designs on the joyful business of living.

The Department of Cultural Affairs represents New Mexico’s dedication to preserving and celebrating the cultural integrity and diversity of the state. The agency oversees a broad range of New Mexico’s arts and cultural heritage agencies. Among its primary functions is the management of the largest state sponsored museum system in the country, including 8 museums and 7 historic sites. Additional divisions of the agency support the unique cultural, historic, and artistic heritage of the state, including the New Mexico State Library, New Mexico Arts, the Office of Archaeological Studies, and the Historic Preservation Division.
Department of Finance & Administration

The New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) serves New Mexico through fiscal management support for state agencies, local governments, and community-based programs to achieve responsible and quality fiscal services for all New Mexicans. DFA received a clean audit for FY21 and remains committed to the continued improvement of the state's financial reporting. DFA was also an instrumental part in the accurate count of the 2020 Census, ensuring the promise of additional federal funding to the state.

The agency is made up of 5 divisions; the Local Government Division, the Board of Finance Division, the State Budget Division, the Financial Control Division, and the Administrative Services Division.

The Local Government Division assists local government entities, local representatives, and citizens with the appropriate use of public funds and strengthens their ability to better serve New Mexico communities to improve their quality of life. The Board of Finance Division provides operational, analytical, and administrative support to the State Board of Finance in accordance with statutory mandates. The State Budget Division oversees and administers the New Mexico state budget, and provides federal grant oversight and technical assistance. The Financial Control Division maintains a central system of state accounts to oversee and control the accounting methods and procedures employed by state agencies to ensure all financial transactions comply with state laws, rules, and regulations to ensure compliance with the budgetary basis of accounting used by the state. The Administrative Services Division provides other Department of Finance and Administration programs with central direction to agency management processes to ensure consistency, legal compliance, and financial integrity.

Department of Game & Fish
From mammals and birds to fish, amphibians and reptiles, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish oversees the management of a large diversity of wildlife species, and their habitats, across our great state. In addition to the management of more common species, the Department also develops and implements recovery plans for wildlife species listed by the state as threatened or endangered, ensuring that the biodiversity of New Mexico is not lost.

The Department efforts generate nearly $1 billion a year to the state’s economy, often to rural areas where funds are needed most. Receiving no money from the state’s General Fund, the Department is funded by sportsmen and women who enjoy outdoor recreational opportunities across the state. License sales annually provide approximately $20 million, our primary funding source. This is supplemented by the federal Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program, which provides an additional $12 million by matching the dollars we invest in conservation on a three-to-one basis. It is with these funds that the Department manages and conserves New Mexico’s wildlife resources for current and future generations.
Department of Health
The New Mexico Department of Health works to ensure a healthier New Mexico. The department’s mission is to ensure health equity and works with our partners to promote health and well-being and improve health outcomes for all people in New Mexico with the goal of making New Mexico the healthiest state by 2040.

The department provides wide-ranging duties that formulate a statewide public health system. It achieves its mission and vision by promoting health and preventing disease, collecting, analyzing and disseminating data, licensing and certifying health facilities, and providing clinical testing services. The department also operates health care facilities that serve veterans, persons with developmental disabilities, those with behavioral health issues, and those with rehabilitation needs. The state Medical Cannabis Program is also housed within the Department of Health as is the federally funded Women, Infants and Children's (WIC) program.
Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
The New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) prides itself on being the central source for information on the state’s homeland security and emergency management efforts and initiatives. Our agency is building a culture of security and service for all New Mexicans.

By coordinating with local communities, tribal partners, federal agencies, and volunteer organizations, DHSEM works to build a more resilient New Mexico for all citizens and visitors. 

The Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management coordinates the State’s response to all hazard type events and supports local response. Emergencies and disasters can be defined as something caused by natural or human-made events or any other circumstances determined by the Governor. When necessary, the State assists local jurisdictions whose capabilities are overwhelmed serving as the conduit for assistance from the Federal government. The Department coordinates around the mission areas of the National Preparedness Goal: Prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.
Department of Information Technology

The New Mexico Department of Information Technology (DoIT) is the enterprise technology partner serving State agencies in technology advancements to streamline and improve the State’s IT ecosystem in a secure data center and network environment. DoIT promotes a safe and secure enterprise computing environment and protects the privacy and security of the State’s information through implementation of industry-accepted security policies, standards, and procedures.

As an enterprise agency DoIT provides reliable and secure infrastructure for public safety radio, wireless, voice and managed applications such as Digital Workspace (Office 365) services. These services along with SHARE are DoIT’s most popular. For more information visit https://www.doit.nm.gov/programs/services/service-rates/

In addition, our Compliance and Project Management Program’s Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO) provides guidance and oversight to state agencies and supports the Project Certification Committee, the entity responsible for reviewing and approving phased funding for agency IT projects. For more information visit https://www.doit.nm.gov/programs/epmo/.

Department of Public Safety
At the Department of Public Safety (DPS) our top priority is to protect human life and property in New Mexico through the detection and prevention of criminal activity and enforcement of state laws and regulations. The DPS is responsible for statewide law enforcement services, training, disaster, and emergency response. The agency provides technical communications and forensics support to the public and other law enforcement agencies. The New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy trains and certified law enforcement and telecommunication (dispatcher) and provides oversight of nine sub-academies located throughout New Mexico. New Mexico State Police is the most recognizable division of the department.

DPS was created by the enactment of the Department of Public Safety Act in 1986. The Act brought together the formerly independent New Mexico State Police, the Governor’s Organized Crime Commission, the Motor Transportation Division of the Taxation and Revenue Department, the enforcement division of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, and the New Mexico law enforcement academy into a single unified entity.
Department of Transportation
Multimodal transportation choices invigorate the economy and connect people in small towns and cities and facilitate transportation of goods and people to other states and nations. NMDOT focuses on the following modes of travel: transit, rail, aviation and highways. We’ve strengthened our commitment to traffic safety, environmental excellence, and complete planning, design and engineering services.
Department of Veterans' Services
The New Mexico Department of Veterans Services (DVS) provides support and services for New Mexico’s veterans and their families. DVS treats every veteran, regardless of their rank achieved during military service, with the respect and gratitude befitting someone who has served our country. We strive every day to live up to our agency’s official motto: Serving Those Who Served. To us, every day is Veterans Day.
Department of Workforce Solutions
The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS), whose mission is to Educate, Empower, Employ, and Enforce, is committed to being a leader in and a facilitator of a competitive workforce for the benefit of all New Mexico. The department’s goals are: to be a business-driven department, understanding the needs of employers with a focus on the employability of all New Mexicans; to be an integral part of all economic development and education initiatives; to be efficient and responsive to the diverse needs of New Mexico’s employers and workforce; and to be a “gateway” to employment.

NMDWS has statewide oversight of workforce development programs, for both youth and adults, funded by Wagner-Peyser, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, and the Veterans Act. NMDWS administers various federal programs including: Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA); Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC); and Rapid Response (RR). NMDWS also enforces minimum wage, payment of wages, and overtime labor laws under the New Mexico Minimum Wage Act in addition to enforcing the payment of scale wages to laborers and mechanics under the New Mexico Public Works Minimum Wage Act. The department accepts and investigates claims of discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, ancestry, sex, age, physical and mental handicap, serious medical condition, disability, spousal affiliation, sexual orientation, and gender identity. The department also produces labor market information by collecting, analyzing, reporting, and publishing information about economic conditions and trends such as the unemployment rate, job growth and wage levels. Information is also provided on the types of jobs and how they are changing, the available workers and their characteristics. Lastly, NMDWS administers the Unemployment Insurance (UI), the largest program in the department, which pays benefits to people who are out of work through no fault of their own and who meet certain qualifications. NMDWS processes claims for unemployment benefits, manages the UI Operations Center, and authorizes the weekly payment of benefits to claimants submitting their UI certifications.
Early Childhood Education & Care Department
The Early Childhood Education and Care Department is working to ensure that all New Mexican families and young children have equitable access to high-quality early childhood opportunities.
Economic Development Department
The mission of the Economic Development Department (EDD) is to improve the lives of New Mexico families by creating economic opportunities and providing a place for businesses to thrive. New opportunities come from economic growth across diverse targeted industry sectors. EDD programs provide investment and technical assistance to help businesses grow and communities achieve their goals.

The Community, Business and Rural Development team delivers EDD programs and their expertise through regional offices statewide. Team professionals, or regional reps, guide communities through business and community development projects that grow the economy.
Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department
The Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department strives to become a national model for an energy and natural resource agency with deep policy expertise, transparent processes, and a cohesive mission that balances conservation and development. The five divisions housed in EMNRD, Energy Conservation and Management, Forestry, State Parks, Oil Conservation, and Mining and Minerals, play a crucial role in managing natural resources for future generations, ensuring responsible development, and expanding renewable energy.
Environment Department
Our mission is to protect and restore the environment and to foster a healthy and prosperous New Mexico for present and future generations. We implement our mission guided by four core values: science, innovation, collaboration, and compliance. We use the best available science to inform our decision making in protecting public health and the environment. We employ creative engineering and technical solutions to address environmental challenges. We engage communities and interested stakeholders in decision-making. Finally, we ensure compliance with state regulations and permits, leveling the playing field by holding polluters accountable.

We embrace our mission and core values at every level of our Department. As measured through our latest annual employee engagement survey, we’re a great place to work with approximately 90% of our employees stating they like the work they perform, 93% of our employees say the work they perform is important and 90% of our employees say their supervisor treats them with respect. We’re always looking for new, mission driven team members so come work with us to protect New Mexicans and our environment.
General Services Department
The General Services Department is the support agency for state government, providing agencies with air and ground transportation, facilities management and operation, construction management, printing and graphics solutions, procurement contracting, health care and other employee benefits, liability coverage and more.
Health Care Authority

The mission of the New Mexico Health Care Authority is to ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services. HCA administers a variety of programs, including but not limited to Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), behavioral health, child support, and utility assistance.

Higher Education Department
If you are looking to explore educational opportunities beyond high school, find money for school, prepare for college and careers, attain a High School Equivalency Credential (HSE), or build your literacy skills, the New Mexico Higher Education Department is here to help.

The New Mexico Higher Education Department oversees the state’s public colleges, universities and special schools, funds adult education and literacy programs statewide, and administers scholarships and financial aid programs. The Department also provides college and career readiness services to middle and high school students via the GEAR UP college readiness program, approves capital projects for higher education, and grants state authorization to private colleges operating in New Mexico. For more information, visit www.hed.nm.gov.
Indian Affairs Department
The New Mexico Indian Affairs Department (IAD) is charged with improving the wellbeing of Indigenous people in New Mexico and strengthening state-tribal relations with New Mexico’s 23 sovereign Nations, Tribes, and Pueblos. Our vision is that Tribal Nations, Tribal communities and Indigenous people are happy, healthy and prosperous and that traditional ways of life are honored, valued and respected.

The IAD is committed to be a resource by advocating for Tribal interests at state and federal levels through policy and legislative work, supporting Tribes with access to resources, technical assistance, and funding opportunities, and connecting Tribes with the executive branch, other Tribes and with the tools and resources they need to be self-governing and self-sufficient.
Martin Luther King, JR. State Commission
New Mexico Army National Guard
The Guard dates back to 1636, when Citizen-Soldiers formed militias to defend community and country. And for 377 years, the Guard has stayed true to its roots. Enlisting in the National Guard means more time at home. Training typically requires one weekend each month, with a two-week training period once each year. Get a degree with money for school, learn job skills that translate to the civilian world, make bonds that last a lifetime and earn pride for life. When you become a Guard Soldier, your family will thank you, your country will thank you and your future will owe you. Contact a recruiter to find more specifics about your opportunities in the New Mexico Army National Guard.
New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD)

The New Mexico Corrections Department strives to strengthen New Mexico communities through the operation of safe prison facilities, effective community supervision, and community involvement. Our goal is to provide those entrusted to our care with opportunities for positive personal growth and self-development through our various initiatives. Under the strong leadership of our Governor and Cabinet Secretary, the vision of NMCD is to hold a stronger New Mexico through respect, integrity, service, and encouragement.

New Mexico Medical Board

The New Mexico Medical Board is the state agency that regulates the licensing of physicians and physician assistants. It was created in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare to protect the public from the improper, unprofessional, incompetent and unlawful practice of medicine. The primary duties and obligations of the New Mexico Medical Board are to:

  • issue licenses to qualified physicians
  • license qualified physician assistants
  • discipline incompetent or unprofessional physicians or physician assistants
  • aid in the rehabilitation of impaired physicians and physician assistants for the purpose of protecting the public
New Mexico State Investment Council

The New Mexico State Investment Council (SIC) is a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) that manages the investments for New Mexico’s four permanent funds: The Land Grant Permanent Fund, the Severance Tax Permanent Fund, the Tobacco Settlement Permanent Fund, and the Water Trust Fund.  As of 2021, New Mexico’s permanent funds, governmental client investments, endowments, and reserve funds managed by the SIC are valued at $34 billion. The SIC manages the investments for 23 New Mexico government related clients, which currently have a combined value of $1.5 billion.


New Mexico State Police
The New Mexico State Police serves New Mexico as the premier law enforcement agency in the state. Our mission begins with establishing partnerships and relationships within our communities that mitigate and prevent crime.

The New Mexico State Police investigate crimes within, and beyond city and county jurisdictions. Often times they are called upon to use specialized resources to confront crimes all over the State of New Mexico.

Often times our agency must work cooperatively with federal law enforcement agencies in investigations that occur in the State Of New Mexico. These relationships are equally vital as they are important to the safety of our citizens and the State of New Mexico.
New Mexico Tourism Department
The New Mexico Tourism Department is the statewide agency tasked with promoting New Mexico for leisure travel and driving visitation to the state. The Tourism Department plans, produces, and monitors national marketing and advertising campaigns through the award-winning New Mexico True brand. The Tourism Department also manages grant programs and other services that strive to empower communities with the resources and technical expertise to develop and promote tourism for their own community.

The Tourism Department also manages New Mexico Magazine, a monthly publication dedicated to covering New Mexico’s multicultural heritage, arts, environment, creatives and diverse people. In addition, the Tourism Department operates four visitor information centers located in Santa Fe, Lordsburg, Glenrio and Manuelito.
Office of African American Affairs
The Office of African American Affairs will study, identify, and provide change by means of support, advocacy and resources relevant to the African American community.
Office of the Governor
As governor, Lujan Grisham has implemented a series of evidence-based policies aimed at transforming New Mexico’s public education system, expanding the state’s economy to include more high-quality employment opportunities and preserving New Mexico’s air, land and water. In 2019, she oversaw one of the most productive legislative sessions in state history, signing a broad package of bipartisan bills into law, notably a historic investment in public education and a landmark transition to clean energy.
Office of the Lieutenant Governor
What does the Lieutenant Governor do?
Lieutenant Governor Howie C. Morales fulfills his constitutional and statutory duties by serving as President of the New Mexico Senate; by serving as Acting Governor when Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is out of the state; by providing constituent services; and by serving as a member on several boards, commissions, and councils. He also serves as a statutory member of the governor’s executive cabinet.

President of the Senate
When the New Mexico State Legislature is in regular, special, or extraordinary session, Lieutenant Governor Morales presides over the State Senate. Lieutenant Governor Morales has presided over the Senate during Legislative Session since assuming office in January, 2019. He has made a concerted effort to work with Senators from both parties and will continue to preside in a fair, orderly, and professional manner.

Acting Governor
When Governor Lujan Grisham is out of the state, Lieutenant Governor Morales becomes the Acting Governor until she returns. During such times, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor operates at a higher level of awareness and increased involvement with the Governor’s staff and department heads. This ensures effective communication and availability in the event that any matter requires immediate attention. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor always informs the Governor’s Office as well as the Secretary of State’s Office of any planned trip out of the state in a timely manner. This allows for the appropriate coordination between the Governor’s Office and the Secretary of State’s Office to take place. In a case where Lt. Governor Morales and Governor Lujan Grisham are both out of the state, the Secretary of State serves as Acting Governor.

Serves as Ombudsman to the citizens of New Mexico
By New Mexico State Statute, Lieutenant Governor Morales serves as the Ombudsman for New Mexico. In this capacity, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor works to facilitate and promote the cooperation and understanding between the people of this state and the agencies of state government. This is accomplished by assisting constituents in their dealings with such agencies and by assisting the agencies in explaining their functions, duties, and administrative procedures. All complaints, requests, or special problems received are referred to the proper agency in a timely and courteous fashion, and addressed accordingly.
Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
The Office of the State Engineer is charged with administering the state’s water resources. The State Engineer has authority over the supervision, measurement, appropriation, and distribution of all surface and groundwater in New Mexico, including streams and rivers that cross state boundaries. The State Engineer is also Secretary of the Interstate Stream Commission. Programs in the Office of the State Engineer include: Water Resource Allocation Program (WRAP), Water Use and Conservation, Dam Safety, Water Rights Abstracting Bureau (WRAB), Hydrology, Geographic Information System (GIS), Water Well Driller Licensing, Litigation and Adjudication Program (LAP), and Program Support.

The Interstate Stream Commission has broad powers to investigate, protect, conserve, and develop New Mexico’s waters including both interstate and intrastate stream systems. The Commission’s authority under state law includes negotiating with other states to settle interstate stream controversies. New Mexico is a party to eight interstate stream basins. To ensure basin compliance, Interstate Stream Commission staff analyze, review, and implement projects in New Mexico and analyze streamflow, reservoir, and other data on the stream systems. The Commission is also authorized by statute to investigate and develop the water supplies of the state and institute legal proceedings in the name of the state for planning, conservation, protection and development of public waters.
Public Education Department
The New Mexico Public Education Department partners with educators, communities, and families to ensure that ALL students are healthy, secure in their identity, and holistically prepared for college, career, and life. Our mission is to ensure students in New Mexico are engaged in a culturally and linguistically responsive educational system that meets the social, emotional, and academic needs of ALL students.

The New Mexico Public Education Department believes in the strength of our state’s diverse communities and in the inherent value of our multilingualism, resilience, creativity, culture, and compassion for one another.
Regulation & Licensing Department
Welcome to the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department. We regulate more than 450,000 individuals and businesses in 35 industries, professions, and trades across the state. The New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department strives to ensure that New Mexicans receive quality care and services from qualified individuals and businesses in different industries, professions and trades. We touch everyday activities of every New Mexican, while ensuring a fair and prompt administrative process to help spur economic development.
State Personnel Office
The State Personnel Office is responsible for the administration and oversight of the classified service personnel system which consists of approximately 18,000 state employees from approximately 68 executive state agencies, boards and commissions. A comprehensive system of human resource management is achieved through the integration of five functional areas which are administered by the State Personnel Director with oversight by a five-member State Personnel Board.

From helping children in need to protecting our environment, our work impacts the people of New Mexico in every way. SPO is here to recruit and retain the best workforce for the approximately 68 executive state agencies, boards and commissions we represent. Learn more about the benefits of working for New Mexico on our Benefits and Perks page.
Taxation & Revenue Department
The Taxation and Revenue Department serves the State of New Mexico by providing fair and efficient tax and motor vehicle services. It administers more than 35 tax programs and distributes revenue to the State and to local and tribal governments throughout New Mexico.

The Department strives to reduce taxpayer burden through clearer communication, statutes, regulations, forms, correspondence and instructions.

A message from Secretary Stephanie Schardin Clarke:
As Secretary of Taxation and Revenue for the State of New Mexico, I am committed to ensuring that the Department fairly, consistently, and accurately enforces the State’s tax code and motor vehicle laws. We are working each day to foster an environment that values integrity, fairness, consistency, customer service, respect, accuracy, and timeliness.
While we must firmly enforce the tax code and motor vehicle code to the letter of the law, we can do so in a manner that embodies excellent customer service. Our team is working hard each day to recruit and retain an exceptional staff to make that customer service goal possible. Our customers include every single individual and business filing taxes in the State of New Mexico, all New Mexico local governments and political subdivisions, all State agencies, all 112 State Legislators, and the private legal and accounting fields that represent clients in tax matters.
Workers' Compensation Administration
The New Mexico Workers’ Compensation Administration’s (WCA) mission is to assure the quick and efficient delivery of benefits to injured workers at a reasonable cost to employers. The WCA works to maintain a balance between the interests of workers and employers, and maintains jurisdiction over most New Mexico businesses.

The Workers’ Compensation Administration works to create a better New Mexico for Workers and Employers. Find us at: https://workerscomp.nm.gov/